The contributions that come in every month allow us to:
- Proactively patrol the area and crime hotspots.
- Respond to any emergency situation at your house or in public open spaces.
- Roadside assistance and security for you if your car breaks down in and around the area. This would include roads to Stellenbosch, as far as Technopark and the N2 as far as Baden Powell Road.
- Free onsite medical stabilisation by Paramedics when the need arises.
- Fund a communication network (HCW), which is in contact with all security providers, both government and private.
- Install video cameras with licence plate recognition, linked to a nation-wide network which can track down criminals and law breakers.
- Support all neighbourhood watches and their patrollers.
- Work closely with SAPS on special operations.
- Keep public protesters at bay and you safe, when the need arises.
- Have K9 members to search the area and protect you.
- Help you when you are scared and need that extra bit of protection.
- Analyse crime patterns, visit crime scenes, follow up on cases and tailoring our response to the ever evolving face of crime.
- If HCW did not exist, criminals would enter our space, drugs and theft would take over and our property values would decline.
HCW is a non profit company and all funds are used to provide security for our clients and the general public. Become a donator today and become part of the solution. Helderberg Community Policing NPC t/a Helderberg Crime Watch has now been registered as a Public Benefit Organisation by SARS in terms of Section 18A of the Income Tax Act. Any donations given are tax deductible by the donor, up to 10% of taxable income.